Training Grant Resources

The University of Pittsburgh houses over 60 NIH training programs. The Office of Academic Career Development (OACD) fosters a sense of community among the University’s training grant directors and administrators, coordinates communication, and maintains several institutional training grant resources.

Quick links to:
Training Grant Directory
Training Grant Application Support
Training Faculty Workshops

For additional information or assistance, contact

Training Grant Directory:

A university-wide Training Grant Directory promotes training opportunities externally and serves as a mechanism to collect institutional data. Publicly available NIH training grant data are initially entered by the OACD. New training grant directors automatically receive an email with instructions on how to access the database and how to add additional data. New training grant awards are added quarterly. The overall database is updated annually and an aggregate report is generated annually.

The names and email addresses of training grant directors and training faculty are publicly available. Though not publicly accessible, the database also houses the names and email addresses of data delegates and/or administrative assistants who have been authorized to log into the database and maintain training program data on behalf of the training grant director.

Request Data Delegate or Assistant Access to Directory Database

Training grant directors may identify other individuals to maintain their training grant data within the database (data delegate) or identify an administrative assistant to enhance communication between the OACD and the training grant director. Please submit requests to grant additional access to the database to

Request Data or Contact Information for Active Training Programs

The OACD maintains a comprehensive spreadsheet of contact information for all active awards. This report is internally available upon request by contacting

Request Access to the Training Grant Directory Mailman List

Training grant directors, data delegates, and those identified as contacts in the Training Grant Directory are automatically subscribed to this email distribution list. Other individuals may request to be added to this list to keep up to date on training grant announcements and discussions by contacting

Training Grant Application Support

Search samples of Pitt's successfully funded T series training grant applications >>>

Predoctoral Training Table Data

Predoctoral training data are not housed in a central location. Contact the appropriate graduate student offices or graduate program directors.

Postdoctoral Training Table Data and Plans

Postdoctoral Training Table Data

Table 1: Institutional Data

There are two institutional postdoctoral reports with data relevant to training grant applications and training tables:

Table 3: Federal Institutional Research Training Grants and Related Support Available to Participating Faculty Members

The Training Grant Directory includes the names of training faculty by training program, so centralized data do exist to complete Table 3.

Request the Compilation of Table 3 for New or Renewal Applications.

Indicate if the application is new or a renewal and send 1) the name of the grant application, 2) the name of the PI(s), and 3) the names of the training faculty who appear on Table 2 to Requests should be received at least 2 weeks before any internal submission dates.

Training Plans

Responsible Conduct of Research Plan

For assistance, contact Teri Reiche, Director of the CTSI Responsible Conduct of Research Center at for assistance developing a robust RCR Plan.

Diversity Plan

A separate letter of support for diversity recruitment efforts is no longer required. That material will be covered in the Institutional Support Letter. See instructions at the bottom of the page.

The Office of Health Sciences Diversity, Equity and Inclusion remains available to consult on Recruitment and Retention Plans to Enhance Diversity. If you wish, please send your plan to, as soon as possible, but no later than one week prior to your internal submission date. This office would like to provide thoughtful feedback to your plans; the tighter the time frame, the less able they may be to assist.

Suggested Application Text

See standardized language for training grant applications relevant to:

Required Institutional Support Letters

Institutional Support
The application must include a signed letter on institutional letterhead from a President, Provost, Dean or key institutional leader that describes the activities and resources provided by the institution that will ensure the success of the planned training program and its trainees (not to exceed 10 pages). This new policy issued March 2020 voids the previous requirement of providing a free-standing letter demonstrating a commitment to protections against harassment and discrimination.

For training grant applications involving one or more schools of the health sciences, please email Lisa Bopp at at least 2 weeks in advance of your submission date to request an institutional support letter from Senior Vice Chancellor Anantha Shekhar. With your request include the grant’s Specific Aims page.

For training grant applications outside the schools of the health sciences, please consult with the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Research and your dean’s office.

Training Faculty Workshops: 

Anti-Racist Pedagogy session: This workshop introduces NIH training grant faculty to the scholarship of anti-racist pedagogy. In this interactive session, faculty learn to incorporate anti-racist pedagogy in your classroom and teaching practices. Participants have the opportunity to:

  • Consider core concepts and frameworks of anti-racist pedagogy.
  • Reflect on the practices of engaging with anti-racist pedagogy.
  • Engage with strategies for supporting and applying anti-racist practices and frameworks. 

This session is held every spring and is led by Sera Mathew, PhD, Director for Equitable and Inclusive Teaching, University Center for Teaching and Learning, and Lizette Munoz, PhD, Teaching and Learning Consultant, University Center for Teaching and Learning.

Register Now for the February 29, 2024, session!

For Additional Information or Assistance



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