Research Funding

The University of Pittsburgh is a world class research institution with a strong commitment to training the next generation of leaders in scientific innovation and discovery. Over 60 NIH training grants currently support the training and career development of predoctoral students and postdoctoral and clinical fellows across the University.

Pitt Research, led by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Research, is the core unit at the University of Pittsburgh with responsibility to: facilitate research of impact, identify and catalyze strategic opportunities, position the University to lead large research collaborations, translate scholarly excellence into commercial innovation and economic partnership, and maintain the highest standards of research integrity.

The mission of the Office of Research, Health Sciences, OORHS, is to foster both the emerging and the established research enterprises within and across the six schools of the Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh.

OORHS provides the University of Pittsburgh's research community with up-to-date information about a wide range of funding opportunities for research across the full breadth of the health sciences.

The intent of the CMRF program is to provide funds for junior, independent scientists at the University of Pittsburgh to develop the preliminary data and refinement of procedures and hypotheses that will enable submission of highly competitive applications to national funding sources.

The ICRE seeks to improve health outcomes, practice, and policy by creating an equitable, inclusive environment dedicated to educating the next generation of clinical and translational researchers and medical educators.

Pitt’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) transforms scientific research and clinical discoveries into modern medical techniques that improve lives.

The Office of Sponsored Programs provides a comprehensive list of funding databases available to trainees and faculty. 

Are you applying for a NIH grant? The NIH offers a four-part video tutorial series that walks you through the basics of preparing, writing, and submitting your application. These short videos will provide you with a basic overview of the process, as well as a variety of tips for success, and are available to view for free anytime.