Employment Postings

Flamingo™ is SciPhD’s web application that:

  • Guides you in finding jobs, importing those job descriptions, analyzing the job descriptions to identify the critical technical, business, and social skills, relates those skills to your own experiences and accomplishments, and generates a targeted resume for that job.  
  • Helps you select a career
  • Helps you develop a career development plan
  • Helps you find a job now

All University of Pittsburgh trainees are eligible for a free, permanent license to SciPhD’s web application Flamingo™!

Find jobs in the US and beyond at this versatile site that allows you to also search for international-friendly jobs and internships; build a network; and view webinars tailored for the needs of international trainees.

Subscribe to the official newsletter from the National Postdoctoral Association, The POSTDOCKET. This resource also provides available job opportunities for Postdocs.

This resource contains a list of the open positions for physicians at UPMC.

The Association for Women in Science (AWIS) is a global network that inspires bold leadership, research, and solutions that advance women in STEM, spark innovation, promote organizational success and drive systemic change.

Women in Higher Education's goal is to provide women on campus with practical ideas and insights to be more effective in their careers and lives. This resource offers a chance to connect with prospective employers as well as a multitude of educational articles. The organization seeks to enlighten, encourage, empower and enrage women on campus, as well as to win the acceptance of women in higher education and our larger culture.

Trusted by the postdoc community for 22 years, Postdoc Jobs is dedicated to connecting job seekers and employers. Search a database of open postdoctoral positions across a range of fields.

Search a database of 63,000+ jobs in higher education and access a variety of career resources and tips. 

The official job search page provided by the Chronicle of Higher Education, a leader in higher education journalism. Search a catalog of 17,000+ jobs in higher education, set up new job alerts, and view salary data and job search tips. 

A great resource for postdocs and graduate students, the National Postdoctoral Association is a non-profit 5013 educational organization in the United States that is dedicated to enhancing the quality of the postdoctoral experience for all participants. To join, go to this page- https://www.nationalpostdoc.org/general/register_member_type.asp? - and sign up as an "Affiliate Individual Member", selecting the option, either postdocs or graduate students, that matches your career stage.