Career Exploration

Flamingo™ is SciPhD’s web application that:

  • Guides you in finding jobs, importing those job descriptions, analyzing the job descriptions to identify the critical technical, business, and social skills, relates those skills to your own experiences and accomplishments, and generates a targeted resume for that job.  
  • Helps you select a career
  • Helps you develop a career development plan
  • Helps you find a job now

All University of Pittsburgh trainees are eligible for a free, permanent license to SciPhD’s web application Flamingo™!

An interactive online tool that can be used to help you figure out your career goals.

Easily-searchable database of resources for all bioscience trainees, broken up into a taxonomy of major themes and related sub-themes, that include books, other readings, podcasts, videos, simulations, games, and more.

InterSECT is an online platform that allows PhD-level scientists and humanists, regardless of professional stage, to explore future career options. By completing job simulations, you can consider which careers are of interest to you and utilize provided resources to explore future courses of action by following up with professionals in the career field.

Pitt Commons is an online platform designed exclusively for members of the Pitt community. The platform allows students, faculty, staff, alumni, postdocs, and friends of the University of Pittsburgh to establish networking and mentoring relationships that are meaningful and specific to their unique interests and professional goals.

With a community of more than 330,000, Ask Pitt Alumni will connect you with the best alum who can help you with advice and introductions. Submit a question and you will be matched with someone who can best provide an answer to it. This free service is open to postdocs and graduate students at the University. 

A collection of other resources is available to you at, with new resources being added regularly.

Subscribe to the official newsletter from the National Postdoctoral Association, The POSTDOCKET. This resource also provides available job opportunities for Postdocs.

LinkedIn Learning offers on-demand content taught by credible experts in a variety of topics including videos for business, technology, creative skills, and more. All Pitt faculty, staff, students, and postdocs have free access to this resource.

Beyond the Professoriate's professional development e-learning platform is for graduate students and postdocs. Over 80 hours of on-demand videos are available, as well as a multitude of free webinars. Pitt users have free access to this platform and should log into AURORA to activate your account by selecting “Login to Platform” and “Through Your Institution".