
Available to help you find the type of housing best suited to meet your needs.

Easily-searchable database of resources for all bioscience trainees, broken up into a taxonomy of major themes and related sub-themes, that include books, other readings, podcasts, videos, simulations, games, and more.

From, A salary negotiation guide to help you learn how to negotiate for the salary you want and deserve.

The OACD provides an annual series of professional development workshops for doctoral students and postdoctoral trainees. This series focuses upon a range of career development skills, career options, and key transitional steps to help you identify, prepare for, and succeed in landing the next step of your career.

Previously known as the Postdoctoral Data & Dine Symposium, this annual research symposium is a scientific poster session for University of Pittsburgh postdoctoral associates and scholars to present their research to colleagues, faculty, and administrators, while also networking with attendees. 

The NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education (OITE) maintains a careers blog that offers guidance with career planning and the job search process.

The OACD provides an annual series of professional development workshops for doctoral students and postdoctoral trainees. This series focuses upon a range of career development topics critical to your professional success and this foundational content applies across all disciplines.

A series of research-specific workshops are scheduled annually to meet the career development needs of postdoctoral trainees through senior investigators across the health sciences.

InterSECT is an online platform that allows PhD-level scientists and humanists, regardless of professional stage, to explore future career options. By completing job simulations, you can consider which careers are of interest to you and utilize provided resources to explore future courses of action by following up with professionals in the career field.

Now that GrantsNet has retired, the Science Magazine staff has compiled a list of other places you can search for information on funding programs. Science Magazine offers links to search for funding opportunities, valuable insights into the process for finding and securing funding, and a series of articles on how to write a successful grant application.